External grants (most recent first)
National Science Foundation, SES2315770, 2023-2026 (co-PI) $525,175
"The evolution of collective decision-making from childhood to adulthood: markets, networks and institutions".National Science Foundation, SES1851915, 2019-2023 (co-PI) $522,987
"Developmental game theory and decision-making".National Institute on Aging, 1R21AG046917-01A1, 2015-2018 (co-I) $453,312
"A neuroeconomic study of choice consistency in aging".National Science Foundation, SES1425062, 2014-2018 (co-PI) $498,998
"Attentional lookups as a measure of reasoning and motivation".Microsoft Corporation, 2012-2013 (Co-PI) $78,000
"Economic and emotional incentives against piracy".Federal Communications Commission, 2010 (Co-PI) $90,000
"A theoretical model and laboratory test of the interaction between market structure, media ownership and market performance".Microsoft Corporation, 2009 (Co-PI) $40,000
"Competition and Cooperation in Markets with Standards".